Return to Earth
The next
paradigm shift in entrepreneurship
A Commitment Towards a More Sustainable Future

It's time to change the rules.
Climate change puts our planet in crisis. Until now, profit and shareholder value maximization at all cost has been the goal of doing business, ultimately destroying resources and destroying our planet. This has to stop now. It's time for a new way of doing business.

Return to Earth pledge
Action speaks louder than words.
Gestures are nice, but we need hard commitments. And that is what Return to Earth is all about. A commitment to pledge 1% of annual revenues towards fighting climate change.

Our pledge
The Power of 1%
We believe that businesses have a pivotal role to play in the fight against climate change, and together we can make a significant difference. By sacrificing only 1% of our margin, we can create a meaningful impact and help preserve an earth worth living in.

We grow (forests) together

our mission
For a long time, we were were looking for a project to give our donations to. But honestly, this wasn't so easy - it's really hard to tell apart which projects are really sustainable. That's why we decided to build something ourselves - so that we can make sure that it suits our strict criteria.
We're stronger together.
We know that we can't tackle this big challenge alone. And most likely, everything we do will never be enough. We believe in the power of collective action. Only together can we have a real impact. Therefore, we are dependant on support - whether financial, pro bono advisory, you name it. And our ultimate goal: convince more companies to join the 1% commitment!